How to find Application Help Center?

How to find Application Help Center Users can access help documents and videos directly within the application. After logging in, they can navigate to the right panel in the application to open the Help Center. What it contains In the Help Center, users can access documents and videos that explain various functionalities of DigitalRx.   […]

AI Powered Medical Adherence Prediction Module

What is Medical Adherence? Medical adherence, or the extent to which patients take their medications as prescribed, is a critical aspect of effective healthcare. The World Health Organization defines Medical Adherence as “the degree to which the person’s behavior corresponds with the agreed recommendations from a health care provider”   Problem Statement Medication adherence is […]

How to complete 2FA in H2H DigitalRx?

How the MFA can be initiated from the H2H DigitalRx Application When prescribing any controlled substance from the H2H DigitalRx application, prescribers must complete a Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) process using Prescribers now have the option to use the app or complete the process directly within the H2H DigitalRx app. To follow the steps: […]

How to Update Patient Information?

How to update a patient profile? To revise patient information, access the “Patient Profile” tab found in the left-hand panel of the Rxpad corresponding to the patient.   What specific details in the patient data can be updated? You can edit all details, including First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Address, […]

What can be done with On-Behalf Service level?

What actions can a user carry out with the On behalf service level? The staff authorization in user login allows the user to provide required services are to be authorized      What service levels are available to authorize? Here are the actions a user can perform with the On Behalf service level: Save prescription […]

How to prescribe On-behalf of a prescriber?

How to prescribe On-behalf of a prescriber? After logging in, at the top middle of the screen, there is an option labeled “Onbehalf” which, when selected, will display the list of users who have provided authorization to prescribe on their behalf.   How to select the Onbehalf user? Choose the user from the list of […]

How to respond to Rx Change Alert?

How to Respond to Rx Change Alert? To view your RxchangeAlert requests, click the “RxchangeAlerts” option in the top ribbon. This will present a list of rxchangeAlert requests from the pharmacy. Select the record for whom you wish to handle rxchange processing. The list will include all patients with one or more pending rx change […]

How to respond to Rx Change?

How to Respond to Rx Change? To view your pending rxchange requests, click the “Rxchange” option in the top ribbon. This will present a list of rxchange requests from pharmacies. Select the patient’s name for whom you wish to handle rxchange processing. The list will include all patients with one or more rxchange requests.     […]

What is EPA Holding Queue and EPA Worklist Queue?

What is the EPA Holding Queue and EPA Worklist Queue? The EPA Holding queue and Worklist queues serve as placeholders for electronically processed prior authorization records, ensuring they are permanently stored and accessible for users whenever needed. What does the EPA Holding Queue contain? Prescriptions initiated from the Rxpad can be sent directly to the […]

What are EPA Roles & Service levels?

What if the EPA Service level is not enabled? To initiate a PA Initiation request, the prescriber must have the EPA service level, as well as the RTF and RTPB service levels, enabled. If any of these service levels are not enabled for the user, the application will not allow them to initiate the EPA […]

How to process Electronic Prior Authorization (EPA)?

How to Process EPA? When the payer responds to the initialized request with a few questions the status will change. Then PA status will change from In Progress-initialized to In Progress-Open.  Click on status to view the EPA record details And then click the Close button. Click the Open Accelerator button. Through the accelerator, the […]

How to initiate Electronic Prior Authorization (EPA)?

How to Initiate EPA? After logging into the application for a benefit patient: Search for the drug. Fill in the prescription details. If a prescriber wants to initiate a prescription for an electronic prior authorization, the prescriber can enable the “Initiate Electronic Prior Authorization” checkbox. The prescriber can set a high priority for this EPA […]

Saved Prescription Report

What information does the Saved Prescription Report include? Provide a list of prescriptions authored by the currently logged-in prescriber through Digital Rx, which have been saved for potential future use but have not yet been released.     Steps to Generate Saved Prescription Report: Click on the “Reports” button located on the right bar. This […]

Patient Pharmacies Report

What information does the Patient Pharmacies Report include? Generate a printout containing the name and address of pharmacies utilized by one or more selected patients.     Steps to Generate Patient Pharmacies Report: Click on the “Reports” button on the right bar. Select “Patient Pharmacies” from the options. This will bring up the Patient Pharmacies […]

Patient Medication Report

What information does the Patient Medication Report include? Generate a list of all patients who have received prescriptions for a selected drug from any prescriber within a defined date range.     Steps to Generate Patient Medication Report: Click on the “Reports” button located on the right bar. Select “Patient Medication” from the dropdown menu. […]

Patient Prescription Report

What information does the Patient Prescription Report include? Showcases details regarding all prescriptions authored for the patient via H2H Digital Rx or manually added to the H2H Digital Rx medication history. Additionally, include information about allergies, active medications, and prescriptions saved for potential future use but not yet released.     Steps to Generate Patient […]

What is RxAlert?

What is RxAlert? An Rx alert serves as an electronically generated notification to the prescriber, indicating a potential issue with a prescription or the need for communication before the pharmacy can process it. Surescripts serves as an intermediary for all electronic communication between prescribers and pharmacies. The Status column on the Medications History screen in […]

How to interpret the EPA Status?

Interpretation of EPA Status Each EPA record contains two distinct statuses: one for the overall status and another for the current status. Types of statuses available for EPA records The following statuses are available in the EPA process for each record. The full report includes the following sections: Tasks/ Actions Overall Status – Current Status […]

How to provide On-Behalf service level?

Where is the OnBehalf service located? The OnBehalf service can be found within the user login interface. Here’s how you can locate it: Go to “My Profile” Section: Within the interface, navigate to the “My Profile” section. Access Staff Authorization Tab: Within the “My Profile” section, you’ll find the staff authorization tab in the left […]