Request a demo of the H2H Digital Rx e-prescribing platform.
We are excited to give you a demo of the H2H Digital Rx e-prescribing platform. H2H Digital Rx provides Physicians and their staff with a safe, secure, and comprehensive method for generating prescriptions within the Physician’s office (even on travel), and routes the completed prescriptions to the pharmacy of the Patient’s choice.
What can I expect?
A walkthrough of various standard features and workflows in H2H Digital Rx, and any specific features or functionality that you might want to discuss. We will have some time for Q&A to answer any questions. There is no need for a commitment.
- New Rx
- Cancel Rx
- Rx Change
- Rx Fill
- Refill
- Reports
- Medication History
- Mobile Friendly
- EPCS Queue
- Chatbot/Virtual Assistance
- Electronic Prior Authorization (ePA)
- Post Dated Prescriptions
- Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP)
- Real Time Formulary (RTF)
- Real-Time Prescription Benefit (RTPB)
- Medication Alerts / Warnings
- Customizable Templates
- Prescription Cancellation
If you have any questions or require additional information, please email us at or call +1 (248) 896-9190 / +1 (313) 550-7647.
Waiting for the Demo? Here is the preview of the key features:
H2H Digital Rx Application Demo
H2H Digital Rx - Post Dated Prescription
H2H Digital Rx - EPCS Queue
H2H Digital Rx - EPA (Electronic PA)

Serving e-Prescribing needs for over 17 years! Press Release
Here are the snapshots of the key features that make H2H Digital Rx an efficient tool for all prescribing requirements.
Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP)
PDMP empowers prescribers with patient prescription records, aiding informed decisions, misuse detection, legal compliance, and better provider communication. -
Electronic Prescriptions of Controlled Substances (EPCS)
Prescribers are urged to electronically write and send controlled substance prescriptions for heightened safety and security. -
Electronic prior authorization (ePA)
Our integrated ePA solution provides a simpler and more streamlined way to review, submit, and track prior auth requests directly within your ePrescribing workflow for patients’ prescriptions
Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP)
PDMP empowers prescribers with patient prescription records, aiding informed decisions, misuse detection, legal compliance, and better provider communication.
Electronic Prescriptions of Controlled Substances (EPCS)
Prescribers are urged to electronically write and send controlled substance prescriptions for heightened safety and security.
Electronic prior authorization (ePA)
Our integrated ePA solution provides a simpler and more streamlined way to review, submit, and track prior auth requests directly within your ePrescribing workflow for patients’ prescriptions