How to cancel the EPA Process for a prescription?

How to Cancel the EPA process for a prescription?

  • Click on Open Accelerator.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the popup where after Task History, you will be able to see a button as CANCEL PROCESS to cancel the EPA process.


  • Choose a reason for canceling the EPA process for this prescription and submit the cancel request.


  • Once you submit the cancellation request you will be able to see the Cancel request in the Accelerator Task History.


  • PBM/Payer will be responding back by Approving/Denying your cancellation request.
  • If your cancellation request is approved by PBM/Payer, You need to acknowledge the response from PBM/Payer by clicking on Prior Auth Cancelled.


  • Once click on Prior Auth Cancelled, you need to click on ACKNOWLEDGE APPROVED CANCEL to acknowledge the PBM/Payer response.


  • Close the Accelerator and Click on Refresh Page to get the status updated.
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