How can I enroll for EPCS to prescribe controlled substances electronically?

EPCS Enrollment

  • Navigate to the H2H Digital Rx EPCS Enrollment page at
  • Upon successful completion of the ID Proofing process, the H2H Digital Rx team will enroll you and activate your EPCS service level, allowing you to electronically prescribe controlled substances.
  • You can check your service levels by accessing the dashboard as explained here.

ID Proofing requirements

Have this ready and on hand with you before Registration:

  • Personal Email and mobile number.
  • SSN, NPI & DEA Certification (You will be asked to check each DEA schedule that you are certified to prescribe).
  • State license (OR) State ID (OR) Passport (OR) Passport card for ID proofing.
  • An Android or IOS (Apple) smartphone with Internet & camera to download mobile app & scan QR Code.

Help Documents

  • Here is the Enrollment Guide to access directions on how to begin registering with now. The process should take between 10-20 minutes.
  • Here is the H2H+ID.me_Info supporting document which speaks about why prescribers need to verify their identity with
  • Here is the “Virtual in Person Proofing” document to understand what will be required of providers that are unsuccessful in the online identity proofing workflow during initial enrollment with
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